Sunday, November 7, 2010

Kids awre annoying!

It has been some time since I wast bwogged, but I have an excuse. My brovva!!!!! I neva have time awone, he is aways buggin' me and poking me and wanted to be awl up in my face. I gwowl at him, but he doesn't get it. I have even twied to bit him, but he just keep it up! My pawents have wecentwy bwought my pwace out into da wiving woom, and I wike to hide out in dare, it gives me some pwivacy.

My pawents wiwy want me to wove my bovva, Twent. I am still not so sure what I fink of him do. I don't take kindwy to stwangers, and dat is sowt of what he is. My Mommy said dat maybe when he gets owder I wiwl wike him. I say, maybe when he is owder he won't powke at me so much, dat would be nice!

Wewl, my Mommy is going to take me owtside. I wiwl bwog more water.

PS: I have incwuded a pictuwre of my brovva so you can see what he wooks wike!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

A New Brovva!!!!!

OMG! My mom and dad told me dat dare is going to be a new baby in da house! Nawt ownwy dat...I am havin' a brovva. Dey told me dey went for an ultwasound and saw a pee pee on da baby in my mommy's bewwy! Can you bewieve it? A baby is growin' in dare! My mommy says dat she can even feel him movin' awound! Dat is so wiewrd! So I wiwl be an ownwy child for ownwy a few more months! I down't know how I wiwl take it doh. I pwomised dem doh dat I would twy my hardest to be a good giwl! I have been finking a wot about dis...and I fink I have deciwded to be a pwotecta of da wittle baby! I have to hewp mommy cwean da house to get weady. Dat is goin' to be a wot of harwd work, but I am up foe it! I feewl so excited! A NEW BROVVA!!!!!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Wewl, as some of you know, it is my Min's birfday. Siwnce I cain't be wif her on dis wovwey day, I would wike to bwog for her!

It has been quite a while since I have seen her. I miss her so much, and when I see her I am going to wick her face so much dat she wiwl be beggin' me to stowp. Oh, and I will awso wick Pop because I wuv him too! Min, my mommy and daddy say to make sure dat I wish you a happy birfday fwom dem awso, but dis is mostwy fwom don't forgets dat!

Wewl, I just got in fwrom outside, so I am off to bed now. I hope dat you wike my bwog for you , Min! I wiwl see you vewy soon, okay? Pwease kiss Momo and BayWee for me! I wuv you guys!

Hugs and Kiesses!

Oh, and...down't forgets dat my birfday is on Fwiday! I am gowing to be a whole 2 yeaws old! Woof woof, and dat is for a fact!

Saturday, November 15, 2008


OMG! I am finawy at Min and Pop's house. I can't bewieve dat my mom and dad kept me away fwom dem for so wong. It is so dumb, sometwimes I don't undstawnd dem. Do dey fink dat awl I am good for is staying home awnd making dem happy, dat my Min and Pop don't deswerve some happiness alswo? I mean come on...dey need to see me too, and I wike sweepen wit dem, duh!

So any how, I am hewre now. I am so happy actuawly. I have missed dem so much...and now I get to spwend time wid Monroe and BayLee! Dey are so weird, but I wuv dem.

I alswo wanted to say Happy Wate Birthday to my mommy. Her Birthday was on da 13th. She got a new camewa and she wants me to incwude a picture of me she took, so I wiwll amuse her. I wuv her even doew she is so stupid sometimes. She is a whole 24 years old now, and her and I are da same age. But not for wong, I will be olda den her, serwiouslwy. My birthday is on Decemba 19th, I am going to be 2 years in people years, but olda in doggie years hehehe! Wewll, I am going to go get a dwink wight now, I will bwog water. Oh and...I wuv my mom and dad, and mostwly my min and pop, but don't tewl my mommy or daddy!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

What is going on???

So! I just have one ting to say...what da hewl?! In case you are wondaing, my stoopid Mom just gave me a bath! How dare she? I wasn't dat stinky was I? I was at Min and Pop's house duwing da weekend and I smelled a bit wike oil, but stiwll. And I can't bewieve dat my Daddy wet ha do dat! Wittle does she know, dat next time I go to Min and Pop's, da first fing I am going to do is get diwrty. I a going to woll in so many dead fings and gwoss fings, it isn't going to be funny! I will show her, she finks she is so smart. AND... I am going to bite her if she twies to bathe me again. Wewl, pwobabwy not, but stiwl. Oh, and I bit her yesdaday mornin' when she twide to pet me when I was in my cage! So dare!!!!! I am incuwding a picture of me after my bath. In case you can't make it ouwt...dat is me wet and smewling my wet towel. I am on my pawents bed, and I just shook of da extwa watta on me! So now dey have a kind of wet bed, haha! I am sure dat I wiwl get ova dis, but for now, I am mad at dem! But I stiwl wuv my Min and Pop... and dat is for a fact!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

A New Addition

Wewl, it has been a while since I have witten anyfing. I fought dat I would bwog finawy. I just wanted to tewl people dat my famiwy just got a new addition. Her name is BayLee, but I say it wike dis...Beywee. I am not so sure dat I wike her yet, but I do know dat she is so pweity. She is frowm da Hoomane Societwy. So I at weast know dat my famiwy did a good thing by getting her from dare. Some day she will be anoder one of my fwiends!

I want to say to Min and Pop, I am sowwy for not witing a bwog in so wong. I have been busy wid Wallace, I say her name like Wawice. She is my pet, and she needs me to chase ha and gwowl at ha. So I am sowwy, but dare will be more bwogs to come! I wuv you guys and I miss you too. Perhaps I will see you soon gwuys. Pwease kiss Monwoe and Beywee for me!

Monday, July 28, 2008

For the most beautiful girl in the world!

My mommy wanted to wite somfin' for Madison. She has cwossed wainbow bwidge, but she is aways going to be in our hearts. My mommy asked me if I would wet her put somfing in my bwog. So she wote a poem. She's not to bad you know. it is!

Poem for Pain

I know the pain that you feel
I have been there, I know
And it hurts, everywhere
It builds up in your stomach
In your hands, in your feet,
In your head, and in you body
But most of all it builds in your heart

Your wish you could just scream
That if you could somehow just scream
The pain would be released
The build up is like pressure in your body
And you can scream, all you want
But unfortunately the pain remains there
Always there, like fire in your heart

There are going to be moments when you don’t cry
When you stop and think, I’m not crying
Where you get to breathe, and think
And you need to be happy for those moments
You need to thank God for those moments
He is giving those moments to you
To give you a break
To give your body time to heal
And in those moments you realize
That everyone of those moments you get
Is only making you stronger

Then day by day, you will cry just a little bit less
Although the pain is still there, the tears subside
The pain takes longer to go away
The tears show the horrible pain, but they do go away
You think the pain will never stop
But you are wrong

One day, it may be soon, it may be far
But one day, you won’t cry at all
And one day you will think of them
And there will be no pain, no tears

Be happy for your memories
Be happy they are there, in your heart
You will remember forever
And those memories are yours
Rejoice in the fact that God has given you those
Hold on to them, share them, keep them
No one can take them away

And then remember…
All of this pain you feel now is worth it
It is worth the pain to have loved someone so much
Right now you wish the pain would just go away
But it is there for a reason
It is there because you loved
You need the pain to remind you of how much you loved
And that is the most beautiful pain you will ever feel

Erin Langevin